Why I Write Songs: A Manifesto

Sunset over water at Mepkin Abbey, SC

I write songs because songs have written me.

I write songs because some parts of what it means to be alive are too complicated to express in any way other than through song.

I write songs because it's fun.

I write songs because to write a song is to take an experience and set it free for others to know.

I write songs because I am certain they would claw their way out somehow if I did not write them.

I write songs because sometimes I need to be cheered up.

I write songs because sometimes I need to be taken down a notch.

I write songs because often the things that I feel can't be articulated in any other medium.

I write songs because I want to leave behind as many beautiful things as I can when I die.

I write songs because I like the idea of giving gifts to people I may never meet.

I write songs because the world can always use more good music.

I write songs because of the times when you drive through western North Carolina in the summer with windows down.

I write songs because I don't understand the pain and suffering I see around us.

I write songs because I want to share hope.

I write songs because I can't always find enough ways to say thank you.

Six Thousand Summers, the 2013 album from Rory Tyer Band, is free to download. Rory Tyer Band has recently begun recording a new album; it will be available early 2014. They are playing at the Metro on Friday, November 15, with several other great bands.
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